Project Overview & Information
Construction has begun at Platteville High School and we are excited to begin to bring the improvements outlined in the November 8, 2022, referendum to life. Construction is set to conclude in the Fall of 2024 with many improvements happening throughout the building:
Complete remodel and expansion to include additional storage and functionality.COMMONS
Renovation of existing commons including installation of clearstory windows to bring natural life into the space.FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCE & AGRICULTURE CLASSROOM ADDITION
A Family/Consumer Science & Agriculture classroom addition will be made on the south side of the building to include culinary classroom & lab and agriculture classroom & lab.AUDITORIUM
Renovate existing space to provide ADA accessible entrance into auditorium with short proximity to eastern parking lot. Auditorium to also receive lighting upgrades to stage.
Family/Consumer Science & Agriculture Classroom Addition
On the southern portion of the building, a culinary classroom & lab and agriculture classroom & lab will be added. The greenhouse will also be relocated to this space to accommodate student learning.
Important Information During Construction:
In order to maintain safety for all during construction, please respect all fencing placed around the property. No students or patrons are allowed to cross into the construction zone without approval from Site Superintendent.
Throughout the planning process, student learning will be placed at the forefront with disturbances to be as minimal as possible.
Construction Zones
Active construction will be happening on the south and north ends of the building with no access to the north parking lot while construction is happening on the kitchen and commons.
The southern lawn of the high school will also be fenced off while construction happens on the CTE Classrooms Wing.