Referendum Information

What is in the Plan?

Specific Projects included in the Proposed Referendum Plan:
Renovation of the Cafeteria & Gymnasium at Neal Wilkins Early Learning Center
Improving Safety of the Pick-Up/Drop-Off Area and Parking at Westview Elementary School
Restroom & Classroom additions at Platteville Middle School
Improvements at Platteville High School including a Career & Technical Education (CTE) classroom and lab addition, Cafeteria/Kitchen renovations, ADA accessibility improvements, and an Outdoor Activities Complex.
The Platteville School Board approved a referendum question for the November 8 ballot, which will appear as follows:
The Question: BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of the School District of Platteville, Grant, Iowa and Lafayette Counties, Wisconsin, that there shall be issued, pursuant to Chapter 67, Wisconsin Statutes, General Obligation Bonds in an amount not to exceed $36,000,000 for the purpose of paying the cost of improvements to school district buildings and grounds including Americans with Disabilities Act and safety improvements; cafeteria/kitchen renovations at the Neal Wilkins Early Learning Center and the High School; renovations and additions to the Neal Wilkins Early Learning Center, the Middle School and the High School; improvements to the High School outdoor activities complex; parent drive and parking safety upgrades at the Westview Elementary School; and equipment and furniture acquisition related to said projects.
Addressing Facility Needs in Our District
The Platteville School District, in our continued efforts “To ensure high levels of learning for all in a safe, inclusive learning community; every student, every day,” has made it a priority to develop a plan to improve facilities and update our existing aging buildings and grounds.
In April of 2021, the District conducted a facilities assessment survey that identified safety, educational, and ADA accessibility needs that are important to address as part of proactively planning for the future.
Why Now?
In 2015, Platteville-area voters approved referendum projects as part of a long-range plan to improve our school buildings. That investment funded secure entrances at all four school entrances, an addition to Westview Elementary School, a new gymnasium, and renovating science classrooms at the Middle and High School. These projects have positively impacted our students and community. However, there is more work to be done to address safety, educational and ADA accessibility needs across the District.
The District and School Board evaluated community feedback as well as the results of the facilities assessment and determined that now is the right time to continue with the next phase of our long-range plan to address these needs. By investing in our facilities, we are investing in the future of our district and creating more opportunities for our students and our community.

Community Feedback on Priorities
Throughout the planning process, the Platteville School District and Board of Education actively sought staff, student, and stakeholder input through internal means and a community-wide survey conducted in Spring 2022. The valuable feedback provided by more than 1,000 district residents helped the Board of Education to reduce the potential cost by 31% and ultimately to create the plan that is on the ballot.
Key Takeaways from the Community Survey:
Respondents supported funding for our most urgent facilities needs
87% of all survey respondents said the Platteville School District delivers a high-quality education
71% of all survey respondents were likely to recommend the Platteville School District to family and friends
Tax Impact
If approved by voters, the estimated maximum tax increase for the cost of the project for each $100,000 of fair market property value would be $68.00/year or $5.67 per month for approximately 21 years.
Facility Improvement Plan Amount: $36 million Maximum Mill Rate Impact: $0.68/per $1,000 | ||
Fair Market Property Value | Maximum Tax Impact PER YEAR | Maximum Tax Impact PER MONTH |
$100,000 | $68.00 | $5.67 |
$200,000 | $136.00 | $11.33 |
$300,000 | $204.00 | $17.00 |
Assumptions: Multi-phased borrowing(s) amortized over a total of 21 years at planning interest rates of 4.50%-5.00%. Mill rate based on 2021 Equalized Valuation (TID-OUT) of $1,003,166,012 with annual growth of 2.00%. Tertiary Aid Impact (2021-22 October Cert.): 12.88%.
*Impact represents the change in mill rate for referendum debt service over the 2021-22 debt service levy of $1.81 Note: Planning estimates only. Significant changes in market conditions will require adjustments to current financing plan. Rates subject to change.
Calculate Your Tax Impact
Project Timeline
If voters approve a $36 million referendum on November 8, 2022, design work would begin immediately with major projects starting in the Spring of 2023 with the High School Activities Complex and the School Buildings projects starting in Spring of 2024 with an estimated completion by the end of 2024.

Important Links
Voting Information
The District has sent out mailings regarding the November 8 Referendum to all Platteville School District residents.
Postcard #1: Save the Date
Postcard #2: Tax Rate Changes
Postcard #3: Voting Information
Monthly Updates
Projects by Building
If you have any questions about this plan, please call the District Office at (608) 342-4000 or submit any questions you may have to Via Email.