
We are thrilled to share and celebrate the educators at Platteville Middle School who have been awarded a grant from the Rural Schools Collaborative and Compeer Financial to expand student events and connections with rural schools!

In the Spring, Mr. Jay Gesin (8th Grade English & Language Arts Teacher) took a group of students to Taliesin in Spring Green, Wisconsin, to have an interactive experience and workshop with local author and Platteville native, Geoff Herbach, along with CESA 3 regional educator Brad Van Epps. This experience sparked the idea to expand innovative learning with local agriculture and Frank Lloyd Wright’s principles of organic architecture to other rural sites in the Platteville area. 

Through the Rural School Collaborative’s new ROOTed in Place initiative and this grant funding, Mr. Gesin and educators at the Platteville Middle School will be able to expand these experiences for students and elevate their learning experience beyond the classroom. There are plans to develop more author workshops like this one and develop relationships with other rural schools like Platteville that foster future experiential learning. 

Special THANK YOU goes out to Platteville Board of Education member, Jessica Brogley, who partnered with Mr. Gesin to submit this proposal. 

Congratulations, Mr. Gesin!